Dunedin Website Design Dunedin Website Design

Dunedin Website Design – Latest Projects

Check out my latest Dunedin Website Designs.

At Jansen Internet Consulting, I specialise in crafting unique and effective web solutions tailored to small and medium-sized businesses. With a commitment to honesty and fair pricing, I ensure that you receive top-notch web development services without the inflated costs often associated with the industry.

With over 25 years of experience and a recent successful relaunch, I’ve already helped businesses like yours achieve their online goals. My approach is centered on understanding your specific needs and delivering results that exceed expectations.

Explore my portfolio to see the diverse range of projects I’ve completed, each showcasing my dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Whether you’re looking to revamp your existing website, create a brand new one or dominate your market with both, I will help you succeed!

Let’s build something great together.

Purple Pacer Productions

Dunedin website design - Purple Pacer Productions

For Purple Pacer Productions, a photography business led by Tracy Chambers, I created a visually striking and user-friendly website. The site opens with a warm welcome from Tracy, showcasing her passion for visual storytelling and her extensive range of services, from portraits and landscapes to drone photography and photo restoration. The clean design and easy navigation enhance the user experience, making it simple for potential clients to explore Tracy’s work and services. This project exemplifies my commitment to creating customised, effective web solutions that highlight our clients’ unique talents and offerings.

Visit the site at Purple Pacer Productions to see the best of Dunedin Website Designs.

Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ

dunedin website design

Safety at Work is a comprehensive platform dedicated to promoting workplace safety and compliance across various industries. I developed this site with a focus on user-friendly navigation, informative resources, and a robust content management system. The site features detailed guides, training modules, and industry-specific safety protocols, making it an invaluable resource for businesses committed to maintaining a safe and compliant work environment. With an intuitive design and seamless functionality, Safety at Work ensures that critical safety information is easily accessible to all users.

Visit the site at Short Steps Safety Solutions NZ to see the project for yourself.

Rams Bottom Tours

Dunedin Website Design - Latest Projects

Rams Bottom Tours offers the most comprehensive and luxurious tour experiences in Dunedin. Operated by passionate locals Richard and Tracey, this premier tour company provides an unparalleled glimpse into the beauty and culture of the region. I created a stunning website that showcases their diverse tour options, all delivered in the comfort of a luxurious Mercedes coach. The site features an easy-to-use booking system, vibrant imagery, and detailed tour descriptions, ensuring a seamless user experience. Rams Bottom Tours stands out as the go-to choice for anyone looking to explore Dunedin like never before.

Like most of my projects, Rams Bottom Tours took advantage of my ability to keep development costs down with the use of WordPress as the backend content management system for the site so the owners could spend the bulk of their budget on marketing. After all, there’s not much point in having a fancy website if nobody ever visits it:)

Visit Rams Bottom Tours.


Dunedin Website Design - Latest Projects

KiwiServer is my own website hosting platform where I host the websites created for my clients as well as nearly 100 other websites from around the world. The design is clean, simple and fast loading which keeps users on site and engaged and is one of the reasons the conversion rate (the percentage of visitors that become customers) is way ahead of the competition!

Check out Dunedins local website hosting company here.